Today we hosted the twins 6th birthday party.
Finally, after 6 years, they had their first birthday party!
We recycled the carnival theme from Ben’s birthday, adding a few more games.
Jack created this marble run with two results.I spent entirely too much time building this skeeball machine for the kids.
Match the ducks…And more…
Kids were able to trade in their tickets from the games at the prize table, which Adam worked tirelessly.
(Here is the secret to the prize table!)
We hired a bunch of Jack’s buddies from school, an older sibling of one of Aaron’s buddies, and my friend Laura brought a crew of kids (and also helped tirelessly the entire party!) to help run the games.
We also had a face painter.
And a balloon twister.
And we rented a popcorn maker, a cotton candy maker, and a hot dog steamer.
I also put out some home made sushi, quinoa salad and guacamole.
And fruit. You see how much attention it got compared to the cotton candy…Balloon sword fight!
Our upstairs apartment is vacant right now so we had the carnival upstairs. The food was on the deck, the face painter and balloon twister were in our apartment and the prize table was outside on the ground level.
Kids also played in the basement so hopefully all that stair climbing counteracted all the sugar they ate?
Finally Adam brought out the cake. This is always his job for the birthday parties and once again it was a masterpiece.
Afterwards the kids got to stay up late to open ALL THESE presents!
It was a great day and I was so grateful we could do this for them. Also grateful that it didn’t rain! And that we had so many wonderful helpers, including our oldest carnival helper, Japo…