Mom left yesterday after the older boys went for their first day of school.
As if my kids going back to school wasn’t emotional enough!
She was an incredible help. So selfless. I hope I can remember to be as giving, understanding and caring when I’m a grandparent.
She loves all the kids, and gets on particularly well with the twins.
One afternoon Adam had the older boys at the cubs game and Mom and I were resting in the kitchen. The twins were in the back room.
“You know they are up to no good when they are this quiet, right?” I said.
They were covered in toothpaste. In their hair, on their shirts, in their mouths, and all over the wall, the map, and the rug.
I think at one point Sam said, “Aaron did it!”, though his hands were obviously covered in blue as well.
Mom just laughed and made a comment about the whole house being a playroom, then helped clean Sam off while I got the walls.
She watched the twins so we could take the older boys to their first day of school. She watched the twins while we spent an entire day at Great America. And she watched all three kids when I took Ben to therapy one day. I haven’t seen the inside of my laundry room in two weeks.
I hardly got any pictures of her because she was always in the background, helping out!
On the last day I suggested we take the twins to a park then go for a nice lunch. Even after 2 weeks of doing nothing but laundry and kiddie duty, she suggested I go for a run and shop at the grocery store so she could launder more things and change more stinky diapers.
I’m going to miss her terribly. Thanks for everything Mom!
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