Having twins has challenged everything that I believed in as a mother.
When I first had children, I read every book to decide what kind of mother I should be. In the end, I was much more of a naturalist then a scheduler. I believed in baby wearing. I used cloth diapers. I had a hard time letting either kid ‘cry it out’. And I breast fed exclusively, both kids for a year.
With one kid it was quite easy, in fact easier than using formula. We were never apart. So I had a great way to carry the milk without worrying about temperature or supply. I used the Bebe Au Lait Breast Nursing Cover where ever I went. With Ben, I learned how to breast feed him while on the run with Jack in my Ergo Baby Carrier.
But breast feeding twins exclusively for a year? And run after two other kids at the same time?

Peanuts for Sale!
After much internet research I’ve learned that there is no way to breast feed twins discreetly in public. Which leaves my choices to blatant breast feeding, not feeding simultaneously, or confining myself to the house.
I couldn’t stomach the thought of punishing my older kids by keeping them at home during the summer or having someone else get to go out and have all the fun with them while I sat at home missing it.
Enter San Diego Bebe Twin. This massive contraption is the only solution I’ve found to breast feed twins in public.
At Adam’s request, I am currently researching twin baby carriers. So far everything looks pretty awkward and/or painful.
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