“Photos of our comings and goings in June.”
From June 2012. Posted by Nikki Devensky Calisoff on 6/30/2012 (122 items)
- Jack comforts Ben after Ben takes a spill on the playground.
- Jack put his straw in the fountain and was yelling joyously, "SUMMER!"
- A visit from Gina.
- Lunch with the older boys at Burger Barn.
- Japo with Jack and Sam.
- Bubbie, Ben, Adam and Jack at Jack’s school carnival.
- Japo watches the twins Jack’s school carnival.
- Grandpa Bill, Jack and Ben at Jack’s school carnival.
- Jack at his school’s carnival. Super fast!
- Bubbie and Sam.
- Jack and Ben in line for a game at Jack’s school carnival.
- Jack playing a game at his school carnival.
- Japo and Aaron.
- Adam and Ben with one of the twins.
- Sam.
- Aaron.
- Sam.
- Adam throwing Ben in the air.
- Japo and Ben at toys r us. Ben took all the toys off the shelf and lined them up. Jap…
- Playing Beyblades and bubbles on the front stoop.
- Japo with Aaron.
- Ben eating Banana Bread brought to us by Kelly Schmitt.
- Ben and his bed head.
- At Weisman Park.
- Diaper duty for Japo.
- Ben climbing at Weisman Park.
- Ben taking out the Halloween bucket in May.
- Picture taken by Ellona Ferson of me with Aaron.
- Me and Aaron. I look so tired!
- Mom and Aaron.
- Ben, Mom and Aaron. Again, looking very tired!
- Sam. Drooling milk.
- Ben cuddling up to Sam and I.
- Japo napping while the twins do.
- Adam reading work papers to Ben. Doesn’t matter what you are doing in the house, ther…
- Jack and Ben at Jack’s school picnic.
- Ms Sara and Ms Vanessa, Jack’s teachers.
- Mom watching the twins at Jack’s school picnic.
- How many monkeys are climbing this tree? At Jack’s school picnic.
- Jack’s school picnic.
- Japo watched the newborns constantly during her stay.
- Adam and his new twin carrier.
- You thought the last picture was ridiculous, he needs a triple carrier!
- Jack loves to take care of the babies. With Aaron.
- Jack and Aaron.
- Hedy and Mark at Hedy’s 40th bday party.
- Hedy’s 40th bday.
- Photo booth at Hedy’s 40th bday.
- Pictures from the photo booth at Hedy’s 40th bday.
- At Adler’s 2nd birthday. Adams’ park.
- Leaving Adler’s 2nd birthday.
- Evening Formula Feed.
- Aaron.
- Sam.
- Jack on a treasure hunt from the tooth fairy.
- Jack on a treasure hunt from the tooth fairy.
- How you’ll find me most mornings.
- Newborns are so exhausting!
- Jack and Aaron.
- Sam and Aaron. Lookiing at each other as if to say, "who are you?"
- One of Sam’s first smiles.
- One of Aaron’s first smiles.
- Ben eating? a hot dog at the East Bank Club.
- Lunch with Papa at the East Bank Club.
- Sam is strong during tummy time at 6 weeks.
- Aaron still struggling to hold his head up during tummy time at 6 weeks.
- Morgan reading the kids their evening books.
- Morgan holding Aaron.
- Mom with Sabrina.
- How I wake up in the morning.
- Jack being silly.
- Ben has some big shoes to fill!
- People always want to hold the twins. Thank goodness! I need the help!
- Aaron, Jack and Sam. Jack is such a good big brother!
- Morton Arboretum
- Morton Arboretum
- Morton Arboretum
- Morton Arboretum
- Morton Arboretum
- Morton Arboretum
- Morton Arboretum
- Morton Arboretum
- Two Toots Train Restaurant. The food is delivered to you from a train!
- Aaron, Jack and Sam.
- Say "Cheese" Ben!
- Jack and Angus at Weisman Park.
- Playdate Moms.
- Ben sliding. Weisman Park.
- Ben and I on the see saw. What a leg work out for me!
- Beach day.
- Kristen with Aaron.
- Pam and Hamish.
- The twins take shelter in Jennifer Goldfarb’s tent.
- Angus, Kaden, Max and Jack "running from the shark."
- Angus, Kaden and Jack.
- Ben and his sand beard. He eats so much sand every time he goes to the beach!
- Kim and Elizabeth.
- Jack.
- Jack
- Martha and Vanessa
- Jack and Ben put Kristen in the time out chair, then covered her in their stuffed ani…
- Bubbie hiding from the ‘bad guys’ with Jack and Ben.
- Jack at the bike exhibit, Peggy Notebaert Museum.
- Bike exhibit, Peggy Notebaert Museum.
- Bike exhibit, Peggy Notebaert Museum.
- Yes, the fridge is talking to you, Ben.
- Bike exhibit, Peggy Notebaert Museum.
- After waking up at 2am, Adam falls asleep before work with Sam.
- Ben and Zane.
- Ben at Little Kickers.
- Jack with friends Dulce and Grant, Little Kickers.
- Thunderstorm warning – see Carrie’s hair standing straight up!
- Thunderstorm Warning! See my hair standing straight up?
- Oz Park Baseball, Adam helps coach their last game of the season.
- Adam coaching Jack’s team – the Indians.
- Jack running the bases. Since no one at this age can throw or catch, everyone gets a …
- Twins sleep nicely for me at Jack’s baseball game, which frees me to…
- …take pictures with Ben!
- Adam Ben and Jack playing with the twins (Sam and Aaron)
- Jack at baseball practice
- Adam at baseball practice throwing Ben. Can anyone say ‘bad back’ later in life?
- Bubbie with Sam
Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher 2
(June 2012; 122 photos)