From June 2011, posted by Nikki Devensky Calisoff on 6/30/2011 (97 items)
- Field Day at Jack’s School
- Field Day at Jack’s School
- Line for the Dunk Tank, Field Day at Jack’s School
- Field Day at Jack’s School, Dunking Mr Mesa (PE Teacher)
- Field Day at Jack’s School
- The Sprinkle Bar at Molly’s Cupcakes. Any more in there?
- Molly’s Cupcakes. They think the cupcakes aren’t naughty enough, so they fill the mid…
- Molly’s Cupcakes.
- Board Games at Molly’s Cupcakes.
- Ice Cream at Supera Park. Look how Ben likes to hold his.
- Supera Park.
- Sushi at Whole Foods.
- Playing at Mistie’s.
- Fellger Park. Watch out!
- Fellger Park.
- Fellger Park. We got a lot of dirty looks for these from other moms!
- Fellger Park. No need for a popsicle stick!
- Fellger Park. Ice Cream break on a hot day. Ahhh.
- Wrestling, their new favorite past time.
- Picnic at Jack’s school, in the library due to rain.
- Picnic at Jack’s school, in the library due to rain. Jack made this hat for me, which…
- Children’s Museum.
- Toys R Us in the ‘burbs.
- Lunch time at Carson’s with his new mini cars.
- Lunch time at Carson’s with his new animals.
- Bowie’s birthday at My Gym.
- Lincoln Park Zoo.
- Lincoln Park Zoo.
- Lincoln Park Zoo.
- Lincoln Park Zoo.
- Lincoln Park Zoo.
- Adam’s Park.
- Adam’s Park.
- Adam’s Park. Nice day to play video games!
- Super Stolie concert at Adam’s Park.
- Adam’s Park. Ben and Max.
- Adam’s Park. Jack and Angus.
- Adam’s Park.
- Super Stolie Concert at Adam’s Park.
- Fellger Park.
- Fellger Park. Look Ma, no popsicle stick!
- Ice Cream at Fellger Park.
- Fellger Park.
- Isabella’s birthday at Bauler Park.
- Isabella’s birthday at Bauler Park.
- Isabella’s birthday at Bauler Park.
- Jack reads Ben a bedtime story.
- Picking Strawberries in Wisconsin.
- Strawberry Picking.
- Strawberry Picking.
- Taking a break from Strawberry Picking.
- Strawberry Picking. Checking out the old farm equipment.
- Strawberry Picking. Amazingly I was able to use all of them!
- How much Ice Cream did we eat this month?
- Adam’s cake before Jack decorated it.
- Adam’s cake after Jack decorated it.
- My famous race car driver and his brother.
- Strawberry Jam.
- Thanks for the Lychee’s Mom!
- Children’s Museum. How Ben builds…
- Children’s Museum. How Jack builds…
- Children’s Museum.
- Children’s Museum.
- Brookfield Zoo. Three Moms, Seven Boys.
- Brookfield Zoo.
- Brookfield Zoo. Dolphin Show – want to know how to keep seven boys sitting quietly? L…
- Brookfield Zoo.
- Brookfield Zoo. More Ice Cream!
- Brookfield Zoo.
- Brookfield Zoo.
- Brookfield Zoo.
- Brookfield Zoo. The moat was so interesting I don’t think anyone even saw the Rhino i…
- Brookfield Zoo. Jack plays with Baby Hamish.
- Lil Sluggers. Angus and Jack.
- Lil Sluggers. Max!
- Lil Sluggers. The Spectators.
- Lil Sluggers.
- Lil Sluggers.
- Lil Sluggers.
- Lil Sluggers. Ben picking up girls in the outfield.
- Lil Sluggers. Nice Shot!
- His new smile after the tooth fairy took his bottom two teeth.
- Cousins Roman and Sky visit from LA.
- Picnic in the park with the cousins.
- Picnic in the park.
- Sky are you sleeping?
- Throwing balls in the park.
- Peggy Notebaert Butterfly Museum.
- Two Beavers at the Peggy Notebaert Butterfly Museum. (Sky and Roman)
- Peggy Notebaert Butterfly Museum. How cute is she?!
- Peggy Notebaert Butterfly Museum.
- Peggy Notebaert Butterfly Museum.
- Peggy Notebaert Butterfly Museum. A perfect place to wrestle.
- Peggy Notebaert Butterfly Museum.
- Peggy Notebaert Butterfly Museum. Jack’s Lego city.
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(June 2011)