I’ve been talking about this fast for some time with my sister. She swears by it. I take her advice with a grain of salt because in the past she has done a lot of different diets like mostly Vegetarian and the Aitken’s Diet which sounds… well… nasty really… and now she’s following a more Macrobiotic Diet. She’s on a major food and health journey.
However, when I saw her last year she had just come off the cleanse and she looked fabulous. And more importantly she seemed to eat a lot better, with a lot more consciousness.
So, after a particularly naughty weekend of two kids birthdays both complete with cake, one of which I took the leftover fried and cheesy bar food home from AND a visit to a cupcake shop ALL IN ONE WEEKEND, I decided it was time to clean out the system. My sister did say it would reset me and make me think about what I was eating.
The Master Cleanse suggests 10 days but I did the cleanse for only 3. On the 4th I was back to solids.
I did feel better and had more energy, one of those days I ran 30 minutes behind a stroller in 92 degree weather. No problem.
I also never felt that hungry. Anytime I started to feel hunger I just drank more lemonade.
In total I lost 7 pounds. I’m back to my WEDDING WEIGHT, baby! Of course, after two kids your wedding weight is a bit different. In a cruel twist of redistribution fate my boobs got smaller and my feet got bigger.
I’m curious to see if I gain it all back. I guess it depends if I can keep mindful about what I put in my body or not. Stay tuned….
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Wow, you look great– very fit and healthy! Getting in shape for number 3?
Ha do people do that? Have my reason for thinking about a third is NOT to worry about what I have to eat for a while! I am trying to lose it for the 20 year reunion in July, which is why I sadly won’t get to see you guys this year.
20 years! How can that be?